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Today I made a quick graph of the player payrolls for the Cleveland baseball team to compare their projected payroll after today’s trade with the Mets (Lindor, Carrasco, etc.) to past seasons. Sources: (past) (2021 projection) years <- 2014:2021 payrolls <- c(82.5, 86.1, 86.3, 124.3, 134.4, 88.7, 37.6, 35) df <- data.frame(years, payrolls) df %>% ggplot(aes(x = years, y = payrolls, label = payrolls)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#E31937", color = "#0C2340") + geom_label() + labs(title = "Opening Day Payrolls of the Cleveland Baseball Team", subtitle = "2016: World Series appearance\n2020: pandemic-shortened season\n2021: projected", caption = "Sources: http://www.


Source: Create Bart Simpson Blackboard Memes with R

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

## Warning: package 'meme' was built under R version 4.0.3
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
  windowsFonts(Comic = windowsFont("Comic Sans MS"))
bart <- "bart_simpson_chalkboard-5157.gif" # source:
text <- paste(rep("I will not procrastinate \n in grant writing \n by making memes in R instead", 2), collapse = "\n")
meme(bart, text, size = 2, font = "Comic")


Data Source: USA Facts — downloaded July 6, 2020 library("tidyverse") library("zoo") start_date <- "5/28/20" end_date <- "7/5/20" county_list <- c("Santa Clara", "Stanislaus", "Calaveras", "San Benito", "Merced", "Tuolumne", "Fresno", "Madera", "Mariposa") lag <- 7 #number of days for rolling average #loads files cases_raw <- read_csv("covid_confirmed_usafacts.csv") populations <- read_csv("covid_county_population_usafacts.csv") Data Wrangling raw_data_merged <- cases_raw %>% full_join(populations, by = c("County Name", "State")) # find column positions by date column_names <- colnames(raw_data_merged) start_loc <- match(start_date, column_names) end_loc <- match(end_date, column_names) cases_filtered <- cases_raw %>% filter(State == "CA") %>% select("County Name", all_of(start_loc:end_loc)) populations_filtered <- populations %>% filter(State == "CA") %>% select("County Name", "population") df_merged <- cases_filtered %>% full_join(populations_filtered, by = "County Name") df_clean <- df_merged %>% # avoids unallocated cases and the cruise ship!


Introduction Today, for practice with ggplot2, I wish to replicate @JoshuaFeldman’s wonderful #TidyTuesday submission about the dataset of Roman emperors. library("tidyverse") TidyTuesday’s Roman Emperor dataset — posted on August 13, 2019 # TidyTuesday's given line of code to load the data emperors <- readr::read_csv("") Exploring the Data dim(emperors) ## [1] 68 16 colnames(emperors) ## [1] "index" "name" "name_full" "birth" "death" ## [6] "birth_cty" "birth_prv" "rise" "reign_start" "reign_end" ## [11] "cause" "killer" "dynasty" "era" "notes" ## [16] "verif_who" emperors %>% filter(birth_prv !


Introduction library("tidyverse") Today, I am going to create an overly simplified view of the past 10 Supreme Court decisions for the sake of coding practice with the ggplot package. data source: SCOTUS Blog useful tool: Convert Town’s “Column to Comma Separated Values” function Data Just in case anyone actually uses my blog post, I will type out the data manually instead of load a separate CSV file so that anyone can copy-and-paste the code for replicability.



I am a teaching instructor for the following courses at the University of California at Merced:

  • Math 15: first semester data science for life science students
  • Bio 18: second semester data science for life science students
  • Bio 184 (TBD): Python for DNA analysis


  • Derek Sollberger
    School of Natural Sciences
    5200 North Lake Road
    Merced, CA, 95343
  • email for appointment